9Flow Control


Branch may be the most common flow-control in a program. Just like other programming language, Gura also provides if - elsif - else sequence. However, they're realized as functions, not as statements.

These elements are implemented by the following functions.

Function if():

if (`cond):leader {block}

Function elsif():

elsif (`cond):leader:trailer {block}

Function else():

else():trailer {block}

They are concatenated with leader-trailer relationship, which means that a closing curly bracket of the preceding function must be in the same line as the top of the succceding one.

if (x) { /* branch 1 */ } elsif (y) { /* branch 2 */ } else { /* branch 3 */ }

Of course, content in a block embraced by a pair of curly brackets may contain multiple lines. This enables you to write a script in a similar syntax as other languages.

if (x) {

    /* branch 1 */

} elsif (y) {

    /* branch 2 */

} else {

    /* branch 3 */


Function if() and elsif() check the evaluated result of the expression cond. If it's determined as true, the block procedure will be evaluated, otherwise, the trailing function will be evaluated. Function else() always evaluates its block procedure.

Branch sequence has a result value as well. Consider the following code:

result = if (x < 0) {
    'less than zero'
} elsif (x > 0) {
    'greater than zero'
} else {
    'equal to zero'

In this case, if x is less than zero, the sequence would have a string 'less than zero' as its result. It would have 'greater than zero' for x with number greater than zero and 'equal to zero' otherwise.

If function if() and elsif() have no following else() and their conditions are not evaluated as true, the result value will be nil.

x = 3
result = if (x < 0) {
    'less than zero'
// result is nil


9.2.1Repeating Functions

This subsection explains about some representative functions that evaluate a procedure repeatedly while it meets a given condition.

A function repeat() repeats a procedure for a specific number of times.

repeat (n?:number) {block}

If argument n is omitted, it will repeat the procedure indefinitely.

A function while() repeats a procedure while the condition is evaluated as true.

while (`cond) {block}

As a variable cond is an expression, it will be evaluated each time in the loop. In the following example, the function is given with an expression n < 10, which is to be evaluated during the repeating process.

n = 0
while (n < 10) {
    n += 1

A function for() takes one or more expressions of iterable assignments, where an iterable means what can iterate elements including a list and an iterator instance.

for (`expr+) {block}

An iterator assignment is expressed with an operator

in like below.<pre> symbol in iterable [symbol1, symbol2 ..] in iterable</pre>

In the first format, it assigns symbol with a value in iterable each time in the loop. Below is an example.

for (name in ['apple', 'grape', 'banana']) {
    // any process

In the second format, if each element in the iterable is a list, corresponding values in the list are assigned to symbol1, symbol2, and so on. An example is shown below.

for ([name, yen] in [['apple', 100], ['grape', 200], ['banana', 90]]) {
    // any process

When a function for() takes more than one iterable assignment, it advances all the iterables one by one at each loop and repeats a procedure until one of the iterables reaches to the end. This means that the loop count is limited up to the smallest length of the iterables. The example below repeats the process three times.

for (x in [1, 2, 3, 4], y in [1, 2, 3], z in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) {
    // any process

A function cross() takes one or more expressions of iterable assignment and repeats a procedure with all the conceivable combination of elements from the iterables.

cross (`expr+) {block}

In cross() function, an iterable on the right advances at each loop and, when it reaches to its end, it will be rounded up to its first and causes an iterable on its left advance.

See the example below:

cross (x in ['A', 'B', 'C'], y in [1, 2, 3, 4]) {
    print(x, '-', y, ' ')

The result is:

A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4

Using for() function, the above code can be writen like below.

for (x in ['A', 'B', 'C']) {
    for (y in [1, 2, 3, 4]) {
        print(x, '-', y, ' ')

Of course, you can specify any number of iterable assignments.

cross (x in ['A', 'B', 'C'], y in [1, 2, 3, 4], z in ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
    print(x, '-', y, '-', z, ' ')

9.2.2Block Parameter

When calling for(), while() and for(), you can specify a block parameter in a format of |i:number| that takes an index number of loop starting from zero. In the following example, the parameter i takes 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 at each loop.

repeat (5) {|i|
    // any process

A block parameter for cross() function has a format of |i:number, i1:number, i2:number, ..| where i indicates an index number of loop, and each of i1, i2 and so on takes an index number of corresponding iterable.

cross (x in ['A', 'B', 'C'], y in [1, 2, 3, 4], z in ['a', 'b', 'c']) {|i, ix, iy, iz|
    // any process

If you don't need indices information, you can omit whole the block parameter or part of its parameters.

9.2.3Result Value of Repeat

Like a branch sequence, a repeat sequence also has a result value that comes from an evaluation of the last expression in the block procedure.

In default, among result values that have been generated from each loop, only the last one becomes the final result.

x = repeat (10) {|i|
    // any process
    i * 10
// x is 90

When you call a repeat function with :list attribute, it will return a list that contains result values in the loop.

x = repeat (10):list {|i|
    // any process
    i * 10
// x is [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

With an attribute :xlist, you can remove nil value from the created list.

x = repeat (10):xlist {|i|
    // any process
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
        i * 10
// x is [0, 20, 40, 60, 80]

Using this feature, you can create a list that only contains elements that suit some conditions.

Attributes :set and :xset work in a similar way with :list and :xlist respectively, but they would create a list that contains unique values by rejecting a value that already exists in the list.

9.2.4Flow Control in Repeat Sequence

If you want to quit a repeat sequence, you can use break() function. Aiming for a similar appearance with C and Java, you can call break() without a pair of parenthesis for an argument list.

repeat (10) {|i|
    // any process
    if (i == 5) {
    // not evaluated when break() is called

The function break() takes an argument of any type that affects a result value of the repeat. When break() is called without an argument, the repeat's result doesn't contain a value of the last loop.

x = repeat (10):list {|i|
    if (i == 5) {
// x is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

If you call break() with a valid argument, that will be included in the repeat's result.

x = repeat (10):list {|i|
    if (i == 5) {
// x is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 99]

If you need to go to the next turn of the loop after skipping remaining procedure, you can use continue() function. As with the function break, you can omit a pair of parentheses for an argument list when calling it.

repeat (10) {|i|
    // any process
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
    // not evaluated when continue() is called

When you call continue() with no argument, the repeat's result doesn't contain a value of that loop.

x = repeat (10):list {|i|
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
// x is [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

If you call continue() with a valid argument, that value will be included in the repeat's result.

x = repeat (10):list {|i|
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
// x is [99, 1, 99, 3, 99, 5, 99, 7, 99, 9]

9.2.5Generate Iterator

As you've already seen in the above, appending an attribute :list causes the repeating process to create a list that contains evaluated result of each loop as its element. In the following example, x will be a list of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90].

x = repeat (10):list {|i|
    // any process
     i * 10

An attribute :iter would have a more interesting result. Take a look at the code below:

x = repeat (10):iter {|i|
    // any process
     i * 10

In this case, repeating process is not executed when the repeat function is evaluated. x is an iterator that generates values of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90, and these values are available only when the iterator is actually evaluated.

The following code shows how to get values from the iterator using Implicit Mapping:


Following code evaluates x step by step to confirm that it actually works as an iterator.


An attribute :xiter works as :iter except that it will eliminate nil value from its element.

x = repeat (10):xiter {|i|
    // any process
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
        i * 10

In the above case, x is an iterator that generates values of 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80.

You can also use break() and continue() in an iterator created by a repeating function. Such an iterator yields elements in the same way as a repeating process that creates a list.

An iterator created by a repeat function and a closure generated within a function are similar in that they postpone their actual jobs. They also have similarity in a manner to handle variable environments. Consider the following code.

f() = {
    n = 0
    while (n < 5):iter {
        n += 1
x = f()

The function f returns an iterator created by while, which is expected to generate values of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. In this case, the repeat body has a reference to a variable named n that belongs to the scope of function f. Can an iterator refer to a variable that may be destroyed at the end of a function?

Actually, it's OK. An iterator created by a repeating function owns an environment in which that function has been called. In the above example, the variable n is owned by the returned iterator.

You'll see more practical usage of this feature in this.

You can also implement a nested loop in an iterator created by a repeat function.

x = for (a in ['A', 'B', 'C']):iter {

    // any process

    for (b in [0, 1, 2]):iter {
        a + b
// x will generate 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'C0', 'C1' and 'C2'

A nested loop with an iterator generation must be placed at the last in the repeat procedure.

You can also place any iterators in the repeat function that are to be iterated when the outer iterator is evaluated. But, there's one point you have to be careful with. See the following code:

x = repeat (2):iter {

It's expected that the iterator x will generate numbers of 0, 1, 2, 0, 1 and 2 after the outer iterator iterates an iterator created by range(3) for twice. But, in reality, it will just generate two iterator instances without iterating them.

Iterators created by repeat functions have a "repeater" flag that enable them to be iterated in a nested block. Since other ordinary interators don't have this flag, you have to call iterator#repeater() method to turn it on as shown below.

x = repeat (2):iter {

9.2.6Repeat Process with Function that Creates Iterator

Many of functions that creates an iterator as their result may take an optional block procedure. For such functions, you can specify a block that is to be evaluated repeatedly while iterating values in the created iterator.

For instance, consider a function readlines(), which creates an iterator that reads content of a stream and returns strings of each line. Without a block, it simply returns the created iterator.

x = readlines('foo.txt')

Specifying a block would evaluate the block procedure repeatedly.

readlines('foo.txt') {
    // any process

You can get each value from the iterator by specifying a block parameter.

readlines('foo.txt') {|line|

A second argument in the block parameter takes an index number of the loop.

readlines('foo.txt') {|line, i|
    printf('%d: %s', i + 1, line)

When you specify a block procedure to an iterator creating function, it behaves in the same way as repeating functions such as for() and repeat(). This means that you can use flow control functions break() and continue() in that loop.

readlines('foo.txt') {|line|
    // any process
    if (line.chop() == '') {
    // any process

You can also specify attributes :list, :xlist, :set and :xset to indicate it to create a list.

x = readlines('foo.txt'):list {|line|
// x is a list containing each line's string in uppercase.

And attributes :iter and :xiter that create an iterator are also available.

x = readlines('foo.txt'):iter {|line|
// x is an iterator that generates each line's string in uppercase.

9.3Error Handling

You can use try-catch sequence to capture errors. Any process that may occur errors is written in a block of try() function and error handling processes are written in blocks of catch() function trailing after that.

try {
    // any process
} catch (error.ValueError) {
    // handling ValueError
} catch (error.IndexError, error.IOError) {
    // handling IndexError and IOError
} catch {
    // handling of other errors

A function catch() takes one or more arguments that specify error instances that are to be handled. If no argument is specified, any type of errors are handled in the function.

Here are some of the error instances that can be specified for catch() argument.

Error Instance Note
error.ValueError Invalid argument is specified.
error.IndexError Invalid value for indexing.
error.IOError Error occurs while accessing I/O devices.

A block in the catch() function has a block parameter in a format of |err:error| where err takes a value of error type that contains error information such as an error message and a file name and a line position at which the error occurs.

Property Data Type Note
error#lineno number Line number
error#source string Source of the code that occurs an error
error#text string Error message

An example code is shown below:

try {
    // any process
} catch {|err|
    printf('%s at %s:%d\n', err.text, err.source, err.lineno)