47ppm Module


The ppm module provides measures to read/write image data in PPM format. To utilize it, import the ppm module using import function.

Below is an example to read a PPM file:

img = image('foo.ppm')

47.2Exntension to Function's Capability

This module extends the capability of function image() and instance method image#write() so that they can read/write PPM files.

When function image() is provided with a stream that satisfies the following conditions, it would recognize the stream as a PPM file.

  • The identifier of the stream ends with a suffix ".ppm" or ".pbm".
  • The stream data begins with a byte sequence "P2", "P3" or "P6".

When instance method image#write() is provided with a stream that satisfies the following condition, it would write image data in PPM format.

  • The identifier of the stream ends with a suffix ".ppm" or ".pbm".

47.3Extension to image Class

This module extends the image class with methods described here.

Reads a PPM/PGM image from a stream.
Writes a PPM/PGM image to a stream.