51sqlite3 Module


The sqlite3 module provides measures to access SQLite3 database. To utilize it, import the sqlite3 module using import function.

51.2sqlite3.db Class


sqlite3.db(filename:string) {block?}

Opens an sqlite3 database file and returns a connection handle with the database.

If block is specified, it would be evaluated with a block parameter |db:sqlite3|, where db is the created instance. In this case, the block's result would become the function's returned value. The connection handle will be automatically closed when the block finishes.


Shuts down the connection with an sqlite3 server.
Executes an SQL statement and creates an list that has list instances containing queried result as its elements.
sqlite3.db#getcolnames(sql:string):map {block?}
sqlite3.db#query(sql:string):map {block?}

Executes an SQL statement and creates an iterator that returns list instances containing queried result as its elements.

You should use sqlite3.db#query() instead of sqlite3.db#exec() when it's likely that you get a large size of data as the result.

sqlite3.db#transaction() {block}

Executes the block within a transaction. The process is like following:

  1. Executes a sqlit3 command 'BEGIN TRANSACTION'.
  2. Executes code in the block.
  3. Executes a sqlite3 command 'END TRANSACTION'.


This module uses SQlite3 library which is distributed in the following site:
